
绫子 译 (2/24/09)


"贫民富翁"导演 Danny Boyle 答"时代周刊"读者问。


 1. Are you surprised by the movie’s reception? Armaan Uplekar WEST PALM BEACH, FLA   对于影片受到的关注盛况, 你感到惊讶吗?


答:Astonished—not just surprised—by the way it has been received, in America especially. I think it’s the core values of the film, the underdog who can come out of nowhere and with nothing, and against all the odds he can succeed. And it’s a love story in the end, of course. I think all of us want to believe in that story. 震惊, 不仅仅是惊讶。 尤其是影片在美国引起的反应。我想是因为电影所表达的核心价值观,小人物默默无闻,身无分文,战胜左右的艰难,取得成功。还有以爱情结尾,当然, 我们(制作人员)都对这个故事深信不疑。


2Some call Slumdog a British film. Some call it an Indian production. What do you say? Prashant Yelsangi, MUMBAI  有人说, “贫民富翁”是英国片, 有人说它是印度片, 你怎么看?


答:It is a Bollywood film in the sense that virtually all the cast and crew are from Bollywood. It’s directed by a Brit and adapted by a Brit, from an Indian novel. So it feels like a hybrid of good things working together. 可以说它是一部宝莱坞影片,因为所有演员和工作人员都来自宝莱坞。但是由英国人导演,由英国人改编自印度小说。所以, 感觉像优势杂交的结果。


3Did you imagine it would spark so much controversy in India? Tomi Obaro, CHICAGO你是否想到影片会在印度引起这么多麻烦?


答:I was expecting a full-on response because it’s a very passionate place. I know some people don’t like the film for very complicated reasons, and some people adore it for very simple reasons. I’m very, very proud to have achieved that. 我知道会有强烈反应,那里是一个感情非常热烈的国家。我理解有些人不喜欢这个影片的理由很复杂,有些人喜欢它的理由却很简单。我为自己能同时制造出这样的效果而感到非常自豪。


4You seem to gravitate toward projects that redefine what a genre movie can be. What’s the key to shaking things up as a filmmaker? Ryan McClellan, DETROIT你好象总是受到一些制片项目的吸引,去重新精炼通俗电影所能达到的水平。作为一个电影人,你能拍出优秀电影的关键是什么?


答:I have this theory that your first film is always your best film in some way. I always try to get back to that moment when you’re not relying on things you’ve done before. 我的理论是,你的第一部电影在某种程度上说,总是你的最好的作品。我总是回头去寻味那些过去的时光,那时你没有可以依赖的经验。


5Are there any movies that your fans might be surprised to find out that you enjoy? Any guilty pleasures? Tom Sexton, WHITESBURG, KY. 你喜欢哪些电影?有没有让你的影迷听了吃惊的电影?


答:My guilty pleasure this year was Tropic Thunder, which I thought was hilarious and brilliant. I love big action movies. I was just watching Die Hard 3 with my kids, which I’ve seen a ridiculous number of times. Thoroughly, thoroughly enjoyed it. 今年我喜欢的是“開麥拉驚魂”,我认为太棒,太完美了。我喜欢大型动作片。我刚和我的孩子一起看完“虎胆龙威3”,我已经看过无数遍, 次数多得可笑了,每次都绝对喜欢。


6How was working with a mainly Indian cast? Any culture clash? Arvinder Singh Walia, KOLKATA  与印度演员合作怎么样?有文化冲突吗?


答:The love of movies is endemic in that country, and it means that everyone’s doing loads of films at the same time, so working out their diaries is a nightmare. But the confidence they have because they are so busy taught me how important confidence is to actors, to the risks they’ll take with you. 热爱电影在那个国家非常普遍,每个人同时都在参加拍很多电影,因此安排他们的日程表十分困难,简直是作恶梦。但是他们的因为忙碌而自信,使我懂得了,演员的自信是何等的重要,也让我明白,他们敢于与你一起冒险的可贵。


7Why did you pick Dev Patel, who was raised in the U.K., to play the lead? Why didn’t you reach out to a Mumbai lad? Sree Reddy, PITTSBURGH, PA. 你为何选生长在英国的Dev Patel演主角?为何不选一个孟买少年?


答:We did. I saw a lot of very talented guys, and the problem I had is that they all looked like heroes-in-waiting. I wanted somebody who looked like a loser. My daughter said, “You want a loser? You should see this guy in this TV show Skins in the U.K.” We auditioned him a few times, and he earned the right to play the part. 我们试了。我看了许多非常有才华的孩子,问题是,他们都看上去像个未来英雄。我所要的是个长像倒霉的人。我女儿说,“你想要个失败者?,那你该去看英国电视剧里的那个家伙。”我们让他试了几次镜, 他是这个角色很称职的演员。


8What is your response to the claims that you are romanticizing poverty in India? Emily Gillespie, EUGENE, ORE. 有些人说你把印度的贫穷浪漫化了,你如果回答?


答:People we worked with in the slums said, “You’re not going to show us as being poor, are you? Because that’s what Westerners always do.” I tried to make the film with a kind of energy that reflects what the place is like, that it has a vitality despite its poverty. 参加我们拍片的贫民说,“你不是想向我们演示受穷是怎么回事吧?因为西方人一贯这样。”我 想让影片具有一种力量, 来反映那里是真实生活,说明那里除了贫穷, 还有一种生力。


9What do you think can be done to improve the conditions of slum children? Balram Adiga, SINGAPORE你认为怎样才能改善贫民窟儿童的状况?


答:I’m not a politician. There are many people working to improve their lives. The answer will come from India. It’s an absolutely extraordinary nation that is charging through the 21st century, and I think they will address their own issues. 我不是政治家。有很多人在致力于改善他们的生活。印度会有答案。因为那是一个不同凡响的民族,一个在21世纪快速发展的民族,我认为他们会重视和解决他们自己的问题。


10What is up with the graphic toilet scenes in your movies? Christine Jensen SCOTTSDALE, ARIZ. 你电影里粪坑那场戏是怎么回事?


答:I know—it’s weird, isn’t it? I blame my British upbringing. There is a fantastic scene in Trainspotting (猜火车,1996Danny Boyle执导的一部电影,获奥斯卡最佳剧本改编提名)where a character disappears down the toilet. And when we came to do this scene [in Slumdog], I remember thinking, We can’t do that—it’s exactly the same as Trainspotting! But it’s such an extraordinary scene because all his character is right in that moment. Obviously, it’s a big audience favorite. 我知道, 很奇怪, 对吧?我只能怪我在英国渡过的童年。在电影“猜火车”里有相似的镜头, 一个角色消失在便池里。我们在拍“贫民富翁”这个镜头时,我在想,不能再拍这个,这跟“猜火车”一样了!但是,这是很重要的一场戏,因为他所有的性格特征,都在那一刻得到充分表现。显然,观众们都很喜欢那场戏。

6 responses to “十问”贫民富翁”导演

  1. 没有看过这部电影,无法分享。我女儿最近看了一本小说《小猫杜威》,我女儿是个猫迷。她很想知道衣阿华(本书的故事发生地)是个什么地方。女作者把衣阿华说的向天堂一样,我女儿想知道那里为什么到处是玉米地。

  2. LD 是谁?

  3. 你就是你家的LD啊))

  4. 你家领导的影评写得很好, 就是口气太过刻薄了点, 她对你说话也这样吗?她的博客我常看, 就是不敢评论, 生怕得罪了她。

  5. 恰恰相反,是个脾气和涵养都非常好的))
